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Amaranth- valuable in a small way.
I love to introduce my family, friends, subscribers, and clients to all kinds of new and useful products-it's my passion. There is a whole story behind each product and product. How did I get acquainted with amaranth?
Once I had an injury in 2017, I had a bad fall from the stairs, could not walk for a long time, recovered excruciatingly long ... And about 6 months after the injury I was walking fine and already without pain, but my joints, namely in the knees were already creaking and crunching, and after the injury so much the more in need of reinforcement. And so again the question to HEAVY, GOD, what would I add to my diet for joint lubrication, collagen and elastin? Having said that, I was already drinking healthy smoothies, shakes, juices, etc, felt like I was missing collagen. Of course I was looking for the right collagen and for today I have found it. There will be a separate article about it. But at that time I VERY much needed a food product to improve ligaments, joints, skin and hair. One day while walking through a store in the US, I saw a super fine seed in the cereal department. Read the label-don't know what it is, but inside I felt like I had to get it. I bought a couple of pounders (1 kg). I did not read anything on the Internet, and just rinsed it myself, soaked and boiled it in a little water, but about 1 to 8, and what did I see? A viscous, sticky, sticky, elastic porridge. I did not rinse, I ate a couple of tablespoons with a salad and I was full, it felt like I had eaten an elephant. And I started researching and reading, then came a lot of recipes and understanding, and about that below in the recipes. But the main thing I saw was THIS ELASTIN, THIS COLLAGEN, THIS IS IT! That's how our local Portland community learned about Amaranth:-) Immediately after my tests, I added it to weight loss participants' diets, health programs, radio shows, events. I wanted many people to know about this seed, this grit. And now I think everyone around me is already using it.
For eight thousand years, amaranth has been a valuable food crop of the lands of South America - it is called the "bread of the Incas" and the "wheat of the Aztecs".
In Russia, wild amaranth (amaranth) has long been considered a garden weed, but now the situation is changing. And the UN Food Commission recently named amaranth a plant of the XXI century. What are the useful properties of this plant?
Amaranth is a tropical plant with small purple flowers. Its other names are aksamitnik, pinecone, velveteen, cockscomb. It is native to South America. Amaranth is used in cooking, cosmetics, medicine. In some countries it is grown as an agricultural crop, which provides the population with tender greens and a rich harvest of seeds. The latter are valued for their high protein content, which is as rich in chemical composition as even cow's milk. They are used to make amaranth oil, soups and porridges, medicines and teas.
Chemical composition The composition of amaranth is rich in valuable nutrients. Here are just a few of them:
Vitamins: A, C, K, PP, group B. Micronutrients: Mn, Fe, Zn, Se, Cu. Macronutrients: Na, Mg, Ca, P, K. Flavonoids, polyphenols. Protein and amino acids, including lysine and tryptophan.
Antioxidant amaranthine.
Dietary fiber.
Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids.
Pectins, starches, pigments.
Lipids and squalene which has anti-cancer properties. Borago and amaranth
Amaranth can be rightly considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its grains contain unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C, E and D.
In 1972, the Australian physiologist John Downton discovered in amaranth grains the essential amino acid lysine, which is a part of many proteins. In particular, without lysine can not be synthesized collagen, thanks to which the skin retains its elasticity, and blood vessels - flexibility.
Moreover, amaranth is twice as rich in this amino acid as wheat and three times as rich as corn.
And in terms of nutritional value of protein, which is rich in amaranth grain, it is far ahead of all the traditional bread crops, and comparable to cow's milk.
Another undeniable advantage of the plant is the presence in its composition of unsaturated hydrocarbon squalene, which during chemical reactions with water saturates body tissues with oxygen.
Squalene fights cancer cells, enhances immunity, preserves youth. At the same time it is non-toxic and safe in any concentration.
Until recently, the main source of squalene was shark liver. Amaranth is much more profitable to get this valuable nutrient from amaranth - the first-pressure oil contains as much as 8% of it! (The squalene concentration in shark liver is only 2%).
Amaranth can also be used as an additional source of pectin. This substance reduces blood cholesterol levels, protects the liver from toxins, promotes the removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
Warning. 100 g of amaranth contains about 14 g of protein, 70 g of carbohydrates, 7 g of fat, 7 g of fiber and 370 kcal. Its seeds and leaves have 30% more protein than oats and 50% more than soybeans.
Health benefits The rich composition has endowed amaranth with unique health benefits. Its consumption is recommended by the World Health Organization. Thanks to the squalene content that saturates the cells with oxygen, the plant increases the immune system and helps to recover faster from colds and inflammatory diseases, it prevents the development of diabetes, pancreatic diseases, veins, joints and cancer pathologies.
In Russia, 17 types of amaranth are cultivated for various purposes.
Of the vegetable varieties, the most popular are "Valentina", "Krepysh", "In Memory of Kvasov". Almost all parts of the plant are edible: leaves, stems and seeds.
And the dwarf vegetable variety White Leaf (White Leaf) can be grown at home, in a box on the windowsill, even in winter. Its light-colored leaves and stems are very juicy, tender and tasty, cut at a plant height of only 18-20 cm.
Young amaranth leaves are very similar to spinach. They are added to salads and hot dishes, soups. Protein-vitamin paste is prepared from the green mass.
And from fresh or dried leaves and seeds, an excellent tea is obtained. Dried and crushed amaranth leaves are mixed with Ivan tea in a ratio of 2: 1, and then brewed.
The seeds make a delicious porridge, but the cooking process takes quite a long time.
Oil is highly valued, which is pressed from amaranth seeds using a special technology. By the way, it is 1.5-3 times more than in other grain crops.
Cold pressed oil is an excellent salad dressing. In addition, it can be fried, added to first and second courses, as well as baked goods.
Cake and meal, which are formed in the process of pressing the oil, also go into business.
Cake is used as an additive to dishes to increase their nutritional value. It can be safely added to breading, as well as sauces, soups, cereals.
Schrot - it is fiber from amaranth seeds - is recommended to be taken daily, 1-2 tablespoons per day.
Natural pigments from the peel of amaranth grains are added to soy sauce and drinks to give a pleasant taste and beautiful dark color.
Amaranth grain flour is especially useful for people suffering from celiac disease because it does not contain gluten. Such flour is added to baked goods and various dishes as a vitamin and protein supplement, and is also used to thicken sauces and breading.
Very often it is mixed with other types of flour in a ratio of 1:1. If you add amaranth flour to wheat dough, then the muffin will not go stale for a long time.
Amaranth sprouts are very useful. They have a bitter nutty taste, go well with cereals, salads, soups, sandwiches. And for long-term storage, they can be fermented like cabbage.
To get amaranth sprouts at home, the seeds are evenly placed on the surface of the germination jar and excess moisture is removed.
After daily soaking, the seeds begin to hatch, after about another day they are removed in the refrigerator, where they continue to germinate.
On the shelves of our stores, you can increasingly see bread and cookies made from amaranth. And Indians and Mexicans prepare healthy sweets - they roast grains with honey and molasses. Amaranth grain products taste like nuts.
Care should be taken when eating amaranth products for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder and biliary tract.
Первый и самый простой способ использования в моем доме-смузи.
1 ст.л. амаранта заливаю водой, жду 1 час т не варю, промываю и добавляю в смузи.
или отвариваю, вот пример
Клюквенный смузи с амарантом
• ½ чашки амаранта
• 1 ½ воды
• 1 чашка клюквы
• 7 фиников
• 2 ½ чашки миндального молока
• 1 столовая ложка миндаля, для украшения
1. Смешать в сотейнике воду с амарантом и довести до кипения на среднем огне. Варить, пока вся жидкость не впитается в крупу и она станет мягче. Снять с огня и дать остыть.
2. Взбить в блендере клюкву, амарант, финики и молоко до однородности.
3. Перелить смузи в стакан и украсить миндалем. Подавать сразу же.
Время приготовления: 12 минут
Количество порций: 2
Второй- каша.
Почему амарантовую кашу нужно употреблять минимум месяц?
Это связано с тем, что именно за один месяц проходит восстановление почти 70% клеток крови. Такого количества вполне достаточно, чтобы избавиться от большинства недугов.
Если же кашу употреблять беспрерывно на протяжении 90-та дней, то восстановится не мене 90% клеток крови, печени, а также полностью будут обновлены клетки кишечника и кожного покрова.
Третий- Салат
семена амаранта – 100 грамм
салатная зелень – 1 пучок;
шпинат – 75 грамм;
огурец – 1 штука;
болгарский перец – 2 штуки;
помидоры черри – 100 грамм;
оливковое масло – 6 столовых ложек;
лимонный сок – 3 столовые ложки.
Семена амаранта залейте холодной водой, доведите до кипения и, уменьшив огонь, варите примерно 15 минут. Щирица содержит достаточно большое количество клейковины, поэтому перед началом готовки несколько раз промойте ее в проточной воде.
Когда каша приготовится, слейте с нее лишнюю жидкость. Кстати, чтобы семена получились максимально сухими, распределите их тонким слоем на бумаге для выпечки и дайте высохнуть.
Осталось нарезать все перечисленные выше овощи, хорошо перемешать с амарантом, заправить оливковым маслом и лимонным соком и блюдо готово! И какое блюдо! Простое, вкусное, необычное и очень полезное!
Четвертый способ-супы.
шпинат – 200 грамм;
чечевица – 100грамм;
семена амаранта – 50 грамм;
оливковое масло – 3 столовые ложки;
лук – 1 штука;
чеснок – 5 зубчиков;
морковь – 1 штука;
кинза – пучок;
соль и перец – по вкусу.
Подготовка: морковь нарежем тонкими брусочками, лук – мелкими кубиками, кинзу и шпинат – небольшими кусочками.
Поставьте большую сковороду на средний огонь, влейте в нее оливковое масло, добавьте лук и чеснок. Готовьте примерно 2-3 минуты или пока лук не станет прозрачным. Отправьте в сковороду морковь, кинзу и все хорошо перемешайте. Обжаривайте до того момента, пока овощи не станут мягкими. В конце приготовления присыпьте перцем и солью.
Поставьте на средний огонь воду, бросьте в нее амарант и чечевицу и дайте закипеть. Варите семена примерно 20 минут, после чего отправьте в кастрюлю ранее обжаренные овощи. Уменьшите огонь и готовите еще 10 минут.
Получайте удовольствие от вкусного и крайне необычного супа. Мы выращиваем амарант и зеленую гречку без всякой химии и прочих удобрений! .Доставка транспортной компанией!
Амарант и овощи фаршированные перцем
2 красных болгарских перца разрезать пополам
1 стакан капусты, измельченной
1/4 стакана нарезанного кубиками сельдерея
1/4 чашки измельченной моркови
1/2 стакана нарезанного цуккини
1/4 лимские бобы
1 стакан овощного бульона
соль и перец по вкусу.
Пропарить или бланшировать перец в течение 5 минут до получения хрустящей корочки.
Поместите бульон, кабачки, капусту, морковь, фасоль Лимы и сельдерей в среднюю сковородку. Обжарить до мягкости. Приправить солью и перцем. Перемешать в Амаранте.
Нафаршировать перцы. Разогрейте в духовке.
Овес с Амарантом, семенами Чиа и черникой
¼ Стакана обычного или быстрого приготовления овса
1 столовая ложка семян амаранта Семена амаранта
1 чайная ложка семян Чиа
Соль по вкусу (я использую щедрый щепотку)
1 столовая ложка свежей или замороженной черники, или больше по вкусу
¾ Стакана воды
1 чайная ложка меда или кленового сиропа, плюс больше по желанию для моросящего
Опционально начинка: молоко (миндальное или кокосовое), нарезанный поджаренный кожурой фундук, измельченный поджаренный миндаль, тертое яблоко или грушу, сублимированные черники
Накануне вечером перемешайте овес, семена амаранта, семена Чиа, соль и чернику в средней чашке. Доведите воду до кипения и залейте смесью. Добавьте мед или кленовый сироп и перемешайте, затем накройте миску тарелкой.
Утром, в печь смесь и в течение 2 минут на 100% мощности. Снимите миску с микроволновки и осторожно снимите тарелку (миска будет горячей, а пар поднимется из каши). Перемешайте смесь, снова накройте крышкой и верните в печь. Нагрейте еще 2 минуты или пока смесь не перестанет быть водянистой.
Переложите на сервировочное блюдо и посыпьте начинками по вашему выбору.
Листья амаранта отваренные и измельченные – 200 грамм;
Яйца – 2 шт.;
Луковица – 1 шт.;
Чеснок – 2 зубчика;
Сыр натертый – 2 столовые ложки;
Хлеб измельченный – 2 столовые ложки;
Мука пшеничная просеянная – 2 столовые ложки;
Черный перец – по вкусу;
Соль – по вкусу.
Все ингредиенты смешиваем в однородную массу, добавляем специи.
Формируем котлеты, обваливаем в хлебной крошке, жарим на растительном масле.
Подаем с соком лимона.
Приятного аппетита!
Котлеты из амаранта.
50 гр. семян амаранта,Семена амаранта, купить которые можно у нас https://vk.com/market-158466671 1 средняя морковь, 1/2 банки красной фасоли, 2 средних картофеля, 1 репчатая луковица, cоль, перец по вкусу, зелень, панировачные сухари
лук нашинковать , потереть морковь и потушить на медленном огне. картофель отварить. семена амаранта обжарить до золотистого цвета. готовый картофель , лук , морковь , фасоль соединить , протереть в блендере. в полученную массу добавить обжаренный амарант, соль, перец , специи по вкусу ,тщательно перемешать. сформировать котлеты , обвалять в панировачных сухарях и печь в духовке при температуре 170-180 градусов 10-15 минут, либо обжарить на медленном огне в течении 10-15 минут. подавать, украсив зеленью
So, even amaranth leaves and not only seeds are rich in peptides that slow down inflammatory reactions and prevent cellular mutations. The plant improves digestion, normalizes cholesterol levels and provides the body with building material, helping to restore damaged and form new tissues.
In cooking, amaranth oil and flour are used, as well as leaves, stems and seeds of the plant. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are made from it.
Amaranth does not contain gluten, so it can be included in the diet of people with celiac disease as an alternative to other types of grains.
Amaranth seeds are an excellent source of various nutrients. They will saturate your body, give it vitamins, unique amino acids and minerals.
It is about the latter that I propose to talk in this article, having examined in detail why they are needed and what specific benefits they can bring to the body.
Scientific studies have proven that amaranth can help fight coronary heart disease and hypertension
Amaranth is a great substitute for white rice in your daily diet. But it is much more useful than rice. Each bowl of cooked amaranth contains about 26 grams of high-quality plant-based protein, making it an excellent source of plant-based protein for vegetarians and those who have to forgo meat for other reasons.
In addition, this ancient superfood can provide many health benefits.
A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that when chickens were given amaranth oil, their levels of bad cholesterol in the blood were significantly reduced.
“Amaranth grain contains up to 6-9% oil. And this figure is significantly higher than that of most other grain crops. Amaranth oil contains approximately 77% unsaturated fatty acids and contains linoleic acid, which is essential for human nutrition,” reports NIH (Bethesda, MD, USA).
Also, NIH researchers emphasize that "amaranth oil modulates the fluidity of the cell membrane and stabilizes the state of the membrane." And this is another reason why you should include amaranth in your diet. Indeed, with hypertension, the cell membrane is defective, and, therefore, the movement of Na and K ions on cell membranes can be defective. It may contribute to an increase in blood pressure. Amaranth and scientific research
Based on these properties of amaranth oil, NIH researchers indicate that amaranth "may be beneficial for patients with cardiovascular disease."
Other studies have shown that substances found in amaranth have anti-inflammatory properties. And eating foods that help fight inflammation can help lower your risk of developing a variety of diseases, including some types of cancer.
What minerals and trace elements are contained in amaranth, what benefits do they bring to the body
Amaranth seeds contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements. Let's look at exactly which and how many minerals are contained in one bowl of finished amaranth. And what an invaluable benefit they bring to your health.
Calcium, 307 mg
An adult between the ages of 19 and 50 (male or female, it doesn't matter) should generally receive about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. This mineral is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth.
Calcium is also needed for blood clotting to stop bleeding and ensure proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles, and heart.
The National Cancer Institute conducted a study, the essence of which was to monitor the calcium intake of 135,000 men and women.
Subjects whose calcium intake was more than 700 milligrams per day were 35-45% less at risk of developing distal (lower) colon cancer than those whose calcium intake was 500 milligrams or less.
Iron, 14.69 mg
One bowl of amaranth contains almost 15 mg of iron, while one bowl of cooked white rice contains only 0.24 mg of iron.
Iron is an essential component of many proteins and enzymes. It is vital for the formation of red blood cells and muscle mass. Iron deficiency problems occur throughout the world in children, women of childbearing age, pregnant women, and people with diseases such as gastroenteritis and parasites, as well as in those who participate in regular intense physical exercise.
Strict vegetarian diets can also contribute to iron deficiency, so eat amaranth, a great plant-based source of iron.
Magnesium 479 mg
This mineral is helpful in regulating blood pressure and also has antioxidant properties. Several studies have found evidence that magnesium deficiency leads to depression. So, the participants in one of the experiments at each meal were given from 125 to 300 milligrams of magnesium.