Hawthorn fruits, as well as its leaves and flowers, contain a high amount of biologically active compounds that have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Due to this composition, hawthorn helps in general health promotion and immunity stimulation, elimination of hypovitaminosis. In addition, it is indicated for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, including small capillaries, and also as a remedy for vascular spasms, a diuretic and edematous plant, and a cholesterol-lowering agent.
This plant, when taken regularly and properly, has a number of therapeutic and prophylactic effects on the body of adults and children.
Various variants of medicinal compositions (decoctions, tea, infusions, tinctures) have an anti-inflammatory effect and an antimicrobial effect. This allows them to be used for colds, inflammation of the respiratory tract and digestive problems.
Biologically active components of hawthorn help in preventing the growth of malignant cells in the body, and can fight cancer in people predisposed to it.
Vitamins and minerals in the composition of the plant help to strengthen the vascular walls and myocardium, protecting against cardiovascular pathologies.
The plant has regenerative effects, due to which it is actively used in the process of healing wounds and burns, to rejuvenate the body due to the ability to stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin and renew the epithelium.
Various types of medicinal preparations are used in the elimination of migraine attacks and tension headaches, in the fight against allergies and epilepsy attacks. There is evidence that hawthorn tea and its tincture, taken by prescription, helps in normalizing thyroid function, improves blood glucose regulation, cleanses the liver and enhances its activity, and also stimulates metabolic processes and weight loss, burning excess fat.