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Ancient Tibetan monks wrote about the benefits of this herb, and the Chinese, quietly obsessed with longevity, sang praises to this herb in their ancient treatises on health a couple of millennia ago. More pragmatic descendants of these ancient Chinese scrupulously examined this plant, and came to the following conclusions:

Grass tones the heart muscle, so that the heart beats evenly and smoothly. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia disappear. Anyone who has encountered this problem knows what happiness it is not to experience problems with the functioning of the heart muscle.

Like all plants that have the status of medicinal and belonging to the Lamiaceae family, motherwort tones smooth muscles. Due to this, it is used to treat dysmenorrhea (irregular and meager periods), with atony of the intestinal muscles (persistent constipation), to stimulate the kidneys, as a diuretic.

The extract of this plant helps to change the rheological state of the blood, thereby preventing the formation of thrombosis. In addition, it reduces high blood pressure and tones the walls of blood vessels.

Motherwort extract has antioxidant and immunostimulating properties. This means that its regular intake helps to strengthen cell membranes, which in turn is the prevention of oncology.

With an overactive thyroid gland, motherwort extract helps to reduce the production of hormones, leading to an imbalance in metabolic processes. From this we can conclude that it has a positive effect on the metabolism of the body as a whole.

To sum up the evidence base for such statements, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of motherwort heart or five-lobed:

Flavonoids - quercetin, rutin, quinqueloside, which belong to the class of plant polyphenols. They are able to change the activity of many metabolic enzymes in the human and animal body.

Organic acids - coumaric, tartaric, malic, ursolic, vanillic, citric. Their main function is to maintain the acid-base balance in the human body. Oddly enough, but organic acids contribute to the alkalization of internal environments, which has a healing effect on all body systems.

The alkaloids are leonurine and leopuridine. These are organic compounds, which include - carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, chromium, bromine. They have a pronounced biological activity and have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Motherwort extract also contains vitamins A (retinol), E (tocophorol) and C (ascorbic acid), which do not need to be introduced.

Thanks to this composition, motherwort helps the human body to overcome many ailments.

How and from what motherwort is used

The very Latin name of this plant, Leonurus cardiaca, gives a hint about its main therapeutic purpose - to level problems with the cardiovascular system:

Taking motherwort increases the tone of the heart muscle and slows down the heart rate.

Reduces high blood pressure and tones the walls of blood vessels in case of hypotension. It acts as a blood pressure stabilizer in the vessels.

Being an excellent sedative, it reduces the emotional stress on the heart and blood vessels.

By thinning the blood, it changes its rheological state, preventing the formation of blood clots.

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